On my way day 3 - 18:21.276N 61:51.988W

Voyage of Wanderingstar
Ben Bonnick
Sun 15 Apr 2018 13:00
Just a quick note to let you know I’m ok. I’m beating (sailing into wind) into some very strong winds (35 plus knots) but I’m achieving 4 knots which is good news. The first day was a bit of a lost day as didn’t get away until late and yesterday I spent getting my bearings and reminding myself how to sail.
Everything considered I’m dong well with 130 miles in the bag, I’m going further north than I had hoped but I’m ok with that for time being.
Everything is drenched and I’ve taken to just wearing my pants, whats more whenever I go through a large wave the water pours in through the top hatch so that has to remain closed for the time being, so its very hot and humid in the cabin. The boat is at an angle of 30 degrees and pounding so doing anything is 10 times harder than normal. Just doing this blog which could normally be completed in 5 mins has already taken over an hour.
Still the important thing is I'm ok, Wandering Star is doing well, and I’m making progress
Love to all Ben