Blog for today day 63 Sunday 16:56.745N 55:56.157W

Voyage of Wanderingstar
Ben Bonnick
Sun 10 Dec 2017 10:00
One of the strange things about offshore sailing that affects many people is the phenomena of lucid dreams. No one really knows the reason, it might be the constant motion of the boat or sleep deprivation which comes from continual watch cycles. I have a two hour cycle. Alarm goes off and I immediately check the floor for water, then the nav systems for speed and bearing, then go outside, check plotter and AIS for other vessels and do a visual scan of all sheets and sails then back to bed for another two hours.
In fact this week a funny thing happened during my regular check. I woke as normal looked at the floor and in the darkness I could see the floor covered with water and I could hear it sploshing around, so quick as a flash I was out of bed put the bilge pump on and pulled the fire axe off the wall to start hacking away at the interior to find where the hell the water was coming from when I realised there was no water, the sploshing around was the normal sound of water outside and what I could see on the floor was no more than moving shadows from the moon……I said you twat and got back into bed….
I digress…..I was talking about lucid dreams and I had a very strange one last night. I was dreaming that I had a pair of flying trousers. They were tartan the kind that Rupert bear might wear and with them I was flying around the cabin and then outside and somehow in a forest. The dream was very clear and really quite enjoyable. Then I was awakened suddenly by something in the cabin falling but although I was awake I was still dreaming and was looking for my flying trousers and was getting most upset that I couldn’t find them and was actually going though my holdall trying to find them as I wanted to show people them when I got back. Eventually I did come round and realised it was only a dream… was another of those….you bloody fool get back into bed moments.