Two sleeps to 27 - 37:58.678N 33:20.408W

Voyage of Wanderingstar
Ben Bonnick
Tue 8 May 2018 12:59
This is just a quick update as its noisey at the nav table with the engine running. Ive switched to UT time (1 hour behind uk summer time). At about 3am the winds dropped last night so I have been motoring since. Its just under 200 miles to go. At 4 knots thats 50 hours so that takes ETA Horta to late morning on Thursday.
Typically there are some strongish winds kicking in during Wednesday night so the ending of the voyage might be a bit like the beginning when leaving Antigua. On the positive the winds should give me the final push and I am already preparing for a northerly entry into Horta.
All for now - looking forward to a big fat steak at Horta..