My Birthday.... day 9 - 25:38.926N 56:28.291W

Voyage of Wanderingstar
Ben Bonnick
Fri 20 Apr 2018 04:58
Hello all, It's my Birthday! My imaginary crew have lined up an itinerary for the day and I’m quite excited. To start the day off, I'm told that a celebrity chef is flying in to cook a special birthday breakfast - I just hope he hasn’t forgotten the tomato sauce otherwise thats it, he’s off the boat. Then at around 10am the red arrows are doing a fly past accompanied by the last remaining Vulcan bomber. Yes I know I also thought it had flown its last flight but in the background its been refurbished for this final final flight. Then at around 11am HMS submarine Audacious is going to surface and with special forces carry out a display for me. Prince Harry has been mentioned….I don’t know why, but very excited. For lunch I’m being kept in the dark but my imaginary crew have something up their sleeve… their just not letting on…but apparently some cruse ship has been diverted in my direction. The afternoon, well that should be spectacular because a killer whale and a pod of dolphins, normally lunch for killer whales, are going to put on a show culminating with the killer whale in formation with the dolphins leaping over Wandering Star. At around 4ish I’ve been told to prepare for a call from the White House….so I guess a bit of locker room banter with Donald Trump, which I could do with out but you know he needs to feel part of things. At around 6pm Daniel Craig is being parachuted in and my crew have arranged for a select few to be shown the premier of the next James Bond film, due out later in the year. I do hope Daniel doesn’t get drunk and do his normal ..”I love you mate..” stuff, it's so embarrassing. I have put my foot down to Elton John, the last time he was on my boat there were cigarette burns all over my cushions..and that bloody dog of his, its pathetic…but I have been told Cold Play will be helicoptered in for a one off performance which I’m delighted about and they want to see my sailing videos. Also, I’m told that Chris Martin of Coldplay and Taylor Swift have arranged to do a special happy birthday song as I cut the cake, wait for it baked specially for me by Prince William and Kate… I just hope they haven't skimped on the cream butter. So its going to be quite a day, clearly not as exciting as normal but I think the imaginary crew have done a good job. Aye Ben …...the beard is coming on nicely.. ![]() |