25 - 37:22.263N 36:47.857W

Voyage of Wanderingstar
Ben Bonnick
Sun 6 May 2018 12:53
The wind was very flaky yesterday and after spending the morning adjusting and re-adjusting the sails I decided to give up and settle for what I had. I then for much of the day read my Sherlock Holmes book. I bought the complete works it is over 1400 pages but he has been a great friend during this journey and I have found when I’m fretting or things are not going as I hope I can loose myself in the stories.
Last night the winds changed twice…but this morning I woke to some good NNW winds and I’m on a nice reach, I have got rid of the pole and I am doing some great sailing in some steady winds for a change which has lifted my spirits.
So….when will I arrive at Horta. Well the weather fcst is indicating from mid day Monday until late Wednesday there will be little to no wind. That's a bugger! But it does show little pockets of wind which over the next 24 to 48 hours might develop. Right now its looking like Thursday morning, but if the winds change in my favour it could be Wednesday pm (I must remember I’m still on Antigua time so add five hours).
So only another four sleeps at sea, only another four meals cooked and eaten out of the saucepan, only another four nights of watches and only another four morning coffees with a nip of rum (I might continue with those).
All the best for now