St Vincent

The Diary of Sonsy Lass
Alex & June Laidlaw
Tue 21 Jan 2014 22:32
13:17.56N 61:14.436W After a very pleasant overnight stop right under the Pitons, we headed south. To begin with, we had perfect conditions. Wind off the back quarter and calm seas. Once we left the lee of the land to cross the channel, it was a different story.  We were then exposed to the Atlantic weather. The winds got up to gusting in excess of 30 kts plus we had the Atlantic rollers to contend with.  A good soaking was had by all. Luckily it was only a 4 hour crossing and soon we were in the shelter of St Vincent. The anchorage we chose was a recommendation but turned out to be a real backwater.  We did meet other boaties who gave us a lift ashore to check in and we were all met by Keet, our ‘guide’ for the process.  The surf was incredible so much so that the decision was taken to eat on board and anyway there didn’t seem to be anywhere to go. To cap it all a big swell came in through the night, so little sleep was had by an exhausted crew.