This is sailing?
Tuesday Aug 9th : Today's Blog by John. 30:38.9N 11:56.3W We are approaching the home stretch for the Canary Islands with arrival expected sometime Wednesday morning, and if this morning's fair winds and speed persist we may be forced into some circuits to prevent arriving in the pitch black (not very much fun I am assured!). The wind was generally much lighter yesterday (Monday) and for much of the afternoon decided to ignore any prior forecasts, instead placing far more importance on whether the spinnaker had just been raised (when the wind then becomes too strong) or lowered (and the wind dies). It was Susie's turn to cook dinner last night and she duly delivered with an excellent chicken and apricot stew, complete with authentic Moroccan spices from Tangier. It's my turn tonight so should blog entries cease from here on I do apologise! We designated yesterday National Wildlife Day - but we have seen nothing – no ships, birds, animals nor fish - for over 24 hours.. |