The Intrepid Trio

David Caukill
Mon 27 Jun 2011 09:57

Still at Hamble Yacht Services 050° 51.799N 001° 18.664W



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Left to Right: Peter Verkroost, David Caukill and Bob Cousins


On the Hamble having  returned from a morning at Raymarine where they showed us how the kit should work and let Bob dismantle and re assemble a Linear Drive Arm from the Autopilot. Like all these things they are a lot easier if you have seen it or done it before. I think any of us would now feel competent to strip one down and fix it.  We have had similar help from Cummins  Onan Generators and  Cummins Mercruiser for the main engine (who put Bob through their  Dealer training course and awarded him a certificate!)


We have also completed a four day medical First Aid course at Hamble School of Yachting which proved to be excellent.  We were a group of six people with the intent to do long distance sailing and were able to convince the Instructor to teach us what we wanted to know - some of which went beyond the syllabus (which was directed at Professional Yacht Crews).  The point here is that we need to know more than First Aid – quite conceivably we could be days away from help if someone is injured. So by the end of it we each are capable of stitching each other up and of inserting urinary catheter (male and female) when necessary.  However, if it comes to it, I suspect I will want to do that latter for myself!


Meanwhile the preparations continue. Everything is taking more time that we would like. We still have a list to starboard which we need to address that involved repacking the kit around the boat – but that means we have to re-inventory the whole lot!  Much to do,


The good news is that I think the equipment purchasing is now largely done (and the cash haemorrage is plugged).


Talking of plugged, the boat is now dry following having got the boat “rather wetter inside than she was designed for”. Salt water is an incredibly corrosive substance – I have been amazed at how much and how quickly apparently ‘stainless’ fittings have rusted. Anyway, it is all fixed now and we are making ready for the off….. eer…in less than 20 days time!


Off sailing to the Channel Islands tomorrow. Weather forecast looks pretty good for us to get there then turns Northerly for the return home. Ho Hum! That is sailing.