Tales of a Voyaging Frog

David Caukill
Thu 29 Sep 2011 07:26

m_Green Frog.jpg



With thanks to the Verkroost Family


Three musketeers set off to sea

In a beautiful pearl white yacht.

They set off with good cheer

And plenty of beer

To sail somewhere lovely and hot.


They sailed to Isles Outside the EC

Where there’s freedom from worries and tax

Next,  clad in life vest

They’re off to the West

With the easterly trades at their backs.


T’was after some time that Ray felt quite sick

Which came as a terrible blow.

For the men couldn’t steer

As well as drink beer

So back to Jersey they  had to go.


No-one could help them back at the port

But wise Gavin gave help from afar.

So once Ray was fit

They repacked their kit

And were off on their travels once more.


They slipped down to Gib on wind and wave

Racing as fast as could be

They went like a train

And just met the plane

So Susie and John joined for tea.


Then came Doldrums that lasted a week

The tour of the Rock from all angles.

Then round once again

With the friends out in Spain

‘Til the boat was freed of all tangles.


Then came disaster  - another set back

The beer cans were all rusting away.

The poor stressed out crew

Wouldn’t make a fresh brew

For they needed to drink beer all day!


Doris Dorado had a bad time

She swam by, not planning to stay.

But she made a rash bid

For the bright orange squid

And ended up “Catch of the Day”.


Once more on their mission, Morocco sped past

As they sailed, the green Frog flying high

They had fish for supper

Then breakfast then lunch

And then they snacked even more fish pie.


They reached the Canaries, named after the dogs(!)

Where the vino and Sangria flow.

Three people departed,

Five people started,

Then the wind really started to blow.


It blew and blew all over the place

The wind it got up with the lark.

Forty knots on the rail,

Is OK under sail

But not when you’re trying to park!


Lanzarote, Ventura, Gran C, Tenerife

The Frog flying high at his stay

La Gomera by car

Jet skis and more,

Puerto Mogan on the way.


Here ends this tale of the voyaging Frog

At least,  for the time being, with this crew

His adventure’s just starting

Soon, once more he’ll be parting

For oceans and pastures anew!



David Caukill


The Garden House


Hants GU33 6LU

H: 01730 827227

M: 07860 794833