High seas rescue

Sea Squared`s Atlantic Circuit
Chris & Christine Swain
Wed 11 Jul 2007 16:53
Today was quite eventful; we were leaving Bayona enroute for Portugal, when 10 miles out Christine said, “is that boat waving at us”. Sure enough a local fisherman was waving his jacket above his head to attract our attention. We sailed over to find that his single outboard engine was dead. So we took a line and towed him back to Bayona, by which time we decided to stay another night, rather than start rushing about ….. It’s not allowed after you stop working! Well the fisherman was smiling by the time we entered the harbour, and he gave us five fabulous sea bream for our troubles. Christine loved the fish, but was green with envy at his ability to catch such monsters: Yes they are very big! (one feeds 4). Mackerel will be off the menu now for a few days.

Well since the last update we have been anchoring around the rias, as the weather has been perfect, and certainly too hot for sitting in harbour. It is a pity that the Atlantic water is not equally warm, so that we could have a swim, but. ………wait for the Caribbean mon!

We will try and get to Portugal again tomorrow!

Photographic masterpieces to savour:
Shorts and tee-shirt sailing at last.
Another busy anchorage at Pontevedra.
Bayona from castle ramparts.
Dramatic offshore rescue!!!!!
High Street at Cambarro.

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