From Wales to Ireland.

Robin & Jenny Martin
Thu 30 Jun 2016 07:33
Got into Fishguard and anchored near the lower harbour, Robbie getting psyched up for tomorrow big match....Wales v England in the euro football.
The return of the north wind kept us in Fishguard for another 3 nights but at least we got ashore to see England win 2-1.
So this brings us up to 18/6 and it's an early start across state George's sea to Southern Ireland. A good passage, a mixture of sailing and motoring getting us into Arklow before dark. We were soon tied up on the riverside pontoon and ready to get ashore. A hard day like that was rewarded with a couple of Guinness and a meal at Christies bar.
After a day tidying up and washing down, no shortage of water here we were ready to move on and Howth was the next stopover. Great Marina with lots of friendly yachtsmen. We did the tourist thing and got the dart train into Dublin for a days sight seeing and shopping. Bought some Dublin bay prawns on the way back for supper - they were fabulosity, well worthy of their reputation.
Next the Skerries, picked a mooring and called the sailing club punt for a lift ashore. We had a Guinness at the very social able club followed by fish and chips at Stoop Your Head and then back to Mandalay.
Time to leave the south, next stop Ardglass. Three enjoyable days in the little port with the oldest golf clubhouse in the world, busy fishing boats and huge seals.
I'm getting behind with the blog already so will catch up with myself next entry.....perhaps.
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