The end of a long party.

Robin & Jenny Martin
Wed 22 Dec 2010 22:38
Rodney Bay is beginning to empty out now with the ARC yachts leaving to cruise the neighbouring islands and we are nearly ready to go too. The part for the generator arrived today so as soon as we can get that fitted and it's all running smoothly again we will head south.
Maymio has had a good rest and is looking neat and tidy again, and none the worse for the long journey.The prize giving on Saturday night had that end of term feeling even though not all the boats had finished. We were delighted to receive a prize for 4th place in class G and to have finished 42nd over all on corrected time - good old Maymio. Also Robin played an active part as a HF radio net controller and group B all got on the stage to give their rendition of the 12 days of Christmas that they had concocted on the way across. See
Tony left for Hong Kong on Sunday but was holed up in London due to the delays because of the snow, a bit of a nuisance but the upside was he was able to stay with Wilf a while and give him a first hand account of the trip.
Now we begin the next phase with friends and family visiting, so for the next 2 months we will be basing ourselves around St Lucia enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of the Caribbean doing some diving, sight seeing and soaking up the sun.
To anyone thinking of doing the ARC we would say, just get on and do it. We have thoroughly enjoyed the experience, with the support and guidance you get from the team and the other competitors there's no excuse to put off the day.
Photos Team Maymio at the Prize giving party & The Dawn finish line.