We've come to the end.50.40.89N 03.28.73W

Robin & Jenny Martin
Tue 17 Jul 2012 15:54

Now back in Topsham on the Exe and Maymio is tucked up on the Exeter Canal (what an anti climax for the old girl) and I'm not talking about Jen. The boat is dressed all over with all the curtesy flags all the way to the masthead. This is where we started from in July 2010 and we have arrived back in good shape and 20,000 miles on the clock and 18 countries visited with all the states on the east coast of the USA. A couple of gales but otherwise a perfect Atlantic circuit.
We have had a great return with a great party in the Globe Hotel and visitors to the boat on Saturday. Phillipa and Charlie have been with us so all back together again.
Louise organised  the homecoming and it was fantastic to meet so many friends, to the extent that it seemed we had never been away. A great curry and a proper bed for the night was a nice surprise.
Now back on the boat before leaving her, for the time being in Topsham, and going to stay with my mother in Lincolnshire.
Our house is still let so possibly back on the boat in Plymouth for the winter.
Unfortunately, expenses being as they are, the boat will have to go if we are to have the house back, its one or the other , a difficult choice.
We have been very lucky to have had such a great experience or adventure, it hasn't been a holiday! And we realise all good things must come to an end.
We have appreciated all the support we have been given and the number of followers to our blog but now we must sign off -----  till the next time!

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