We having been having a real social time since our last blog. We have been to Martha's Vineyard [where Obama spends his hols] Cuttyhunk and other unpronounceables all worth the time and effort, in this great cruising area, we will be sorry to leave. We have also managed to catch up with several lots of friends and visited the Newport Boat Show. It was nice to catch up with Kevin and Jean on Amocora and have them to stay on board for the night whilst they got away from the repair yard. They hit a big navigation buoy when their autohelm got stuck and have had a complete refit and paint all over. We went back to the yard with them and Kevin helped repair our cooling hose connection which broke, also to site the course computer for the autohelm in a better place. Bob and Sue from Mawari also came to supper and are moving off south today as well. The weather has been very mixed but the Fall is definitely on it's way here so it's really time to get a wriggly on and get ourselves further south. Next stop Mystic.
Devon Yawl at the Newport Boat Show and snaps along the way back .