Imelda and squalls before breakfast. 26:54:72 N 66:15:91 W

Robin & Jenny Martin
Fri 20 May 2011 22:44
After an eventful week we departed the DR last Sunday. Marcos the yard manager pulled out all the stops to complete the installaion of the wind generator at 1800hrs. It wasnot without it'scustomary stresses and strains. The finished productis great but to tel you the whole sorywould be too similar to the tender story in St Lucia.
We departed Zar Par marina waved off by Tony & Lisa at 2000hrs after the same officals who checked us in came back to check us out, including Victor the chatty drug inforcement officer.
There is not the commersalism or any tourism that you see elsewhere in the Caribbean, the people are mainly Hispanic with an Amerian influence.Lots of kids and pregnant womenand apart from Santo Domingo of 4 million people the place is quite quiet and rural. The nearby town of Boca Chica was like a beach resort in Asia just for the locals and not teeming with tourists.
Ayway back to Maymio, she's had a hard time just lately with being locked up in marinas and boatyards so she is in her element doing what she does best - loving to go to windward and keeping us safe. The new wind gene ( a D400 from Nottingham ) is named Imelda after the frustrating wind bag of a yard manager.
We are now on our 6th day at sea heading north to Bermuda with only 330 miles to go. We've had all sorts of weather but mostly winds and seas on the beam with the occasional squall. One such beast caught us fully unaware at 04.30 on Tuesady morning with winds of 42 knots. We decided to go with it and headed bak to Dominican Republc for 30 minuets reaching 10.3 knots in the process. Shame it was no in the right direction. We now keep our reefs in a little longer just in case. All the bits are going well - Imelda giving us 10 amps most of the time and the engine giving us the rest. Getting our weather from SSB radio inculding Herb's daily net, an amazing 80 year old who's been providing the service for years.
Good news from home, Charlie has landed his first proper job and Phillipa moves into her new pad - our wonderful independent kids.