Goodbye to Nanny Cay.

Robin & Jenny Martin
Sat 23 Apr 2011 00:29
Quite an experience but we are better for it and we now know how the prop shaft works. In fact you could say we are experts.
The basic problem was we were fitted a composite cutlass bearing which was too tight and not the brass replacement which we have now got.
All is now turning sweetly and no leaks through the prop shaft
Everybody has been really helpful and even the yard team came in on Good Friday to lift us back in. The cost of all these haul outs has gone to the engineers
We were going for the record of miles covered in the travel hoist. I hope Maymio doesn't mind all this movement around.
Anyway we had Paul and Sylvie from Catou to keep us company before they leave to put the boat on a tanker to go home.
Tomorrow we are heading off to rendezvous with Vulcan Spirit for our our passage to the Dominican Republic.
We are now in the mood to get some miles under our belt and get out of the BVI's.
The 2010 ARC Malo reunion in the BVI's - Paul & Sylvie
Put your trust in your own ground tackle!
Sunset from Cooper Island.