Day 7, Antigua to Portsmouth

Telefonica Black
Lance Shepherd
Sun 19 Apr 2020 21:46
Well this is a windy and wet one !
56Knt wind and big seas, only to be expected really for
crossing back to Europe from the Caribbean, Payback by mother nature for all the
sunshine and rum- everything has its price !!
Day 2 of this and now although it is dropping slightly
during the course of today.
One thing that has been good on this leg is having
internet weather files and good old Simon Rowell (Olympic Sailing Meteorologist
and weather Nerd of the highest order) advising and giving a second opinion of
our route. Hats off to Simon !
We send Simon our local observations, he then compares
and using all the available weather data that someone on shore has easier and
cheaper access to because of the big cost of Satellite data formulates a route
to thread the eye of the needle around the weather systems, and what a great job
he does.
All of the crew are doing a great job in keeping the
boat running like the well oiled machine it is, Helming, Trimming, cooking
and all the bailing. we have a large mast and its full of holes where the
halyards enter and exit at different points and it acts like a rain catcher- and
with the mast being Keel stepped (goes down through the roof of the
boat and sits on top of the keel box) all the rain comes out the base and runs
into the galley area. Very manageable but if you happen to be sat on the heads
it dumps right on your noggin, and truly caught with your pants down
as it fills them too.
So its 23.30 local to us time and I'm a little
All the crew are well, boats well and we will
catch you laters.