16. The last full day..

Telefonica Black
Lance Shepherd
Mon 3 Feb 2020 07:57
16:15.287N 060:12.775W - Distance to Antigua: 99nm -
ETA: 03/02/2020 15.45h
Today was the last full day on board of Telefonica
Black. It was a light day windwise contrary to the conversations which seem to
go more and more about 'what next', 'we are keeping in touch' and 'wow, this was
a great trip'..
With the light winds the temperature rose to a new high
and it was hard to find shelter from the sun on deck. But we managed.
All day it seemed we were going to arrive in Antigua
somewhere in the morning of the 3rd of February, but around 8pm the wind totally
went away and we even had to start the engine! A new experience for everyone.
Before people were scrambling to get at the helm but with the A7 down, the
mainsail pinned in the middle and the monotonous rumbling sound of the engine,
it is hard to stay focused (and on course) for 30 minutes.
Even though the freeze dried food served its purpose
everybody is hoping we had our last meal tonight and by the sounds of it, it
will be hamburgers tomorrow. And a shower. And beers.
We made sure we were all on deck to view the last sunset
together while Pierre was playing the ukulele and tonight we will all have our
last night watch. It is hard to believe that from now on we will be able to
sleep a whole night without being woken up with the magic words 'it is your turn
to sail'. I am also sure we are all going to miss it..
Today we used the microphone (which is also a tape
recorder) to interview each other. One person asked another person a couple
of questions and that person would take the microphone and ask the next person a
couple of questions and so on.. When asked 'what did you like most about the
trip' I heard each and everyone say 'the fact that we were able to experience
this with an amazing group of people'. And of course the dolphins, the 15-20+
knot winds, the waves, the endless amount of ocean, the beautiful sky at night
and being able to experience an Atlantic crossing on a boat like
We are hoping to get some more sailing in as we
are (right now slowly) approaching Antigua. If not, I am sure we will find
another way to make the hours count. I honestly have never been surrounded by a
group of people as creative as this one and I am sure some of the videos and
interviews will find it's way to the website or facebook page of Telefonica
Black. Be prepared to have a good laugh!
I just hope you liked to read our blogs and that we have
been able to make you part of our journey. For me this is my last blog
for fearlessprojects.co.uk
If you are interested in joining Telefonica Black on one
of their trips or during one of the (many) regattas, please do not hesitate to
contact Claire. It will be an experience of a life time!