Fw: Last day

Telefonica Black
Lance Shepherd
Mon 3 Feb 2020 08:14
16:44.47N 061:13.49W
Well here we are on our last day at sea !
30 miles to go !
What happened about Brexit ? Are we in/out or did we
just shake it all about?
How is Australia getting on with the terrible fires ?
have the gods been kind enough to rain and help put them out? or perhaps the
Government ? or has it been left in the extremely brave firefighters to
carry on winning small battles and eventually win the
Whose winning the Clipper Race ? - cant see the Race
Viewer out here, and no daily schedule to see where the other boats
Questions to ask 'SIRI'
Do Dolphins sleep ? do they keep swimming if they do?
How is freeze dried food actually made?
These and many more questions we have on arrival in
It never ceases to amaze me how vast and desolate our
planet can be, even after having the good fortune and opportunity to
Skipper a 'Clipper Round the world Yacht' in the 17/18 Race and Circumnavigating
the Globe over an 11 month period at speed with 11 other Race Yachts, you easily
forget how lonely it can be crossing an Ocean in a relatively small boat with a
small group of people.
Our Voyage has been great, the ups and downs of Ocean
sailing brought by winds from the wrong direction, not enough wind on occasions
and too much on others... a continual test of seamanship and the ability of the
crew to keep things going and making good progress to our
destination-namely the Bar in Nelsons dockyard, Antigua for a very large
Seriously I am looking forward to exploring the history
of Antigua and the legacy and history of Lord Nelson, who is one of my most
revered sailors alongside Sir RKJ of course!
Thanks to the crew and watch leaders for doing an
outstanding job this last couple of weeks, its been a blast !!
The Motley Crew;
Angela (Dutch)
Johannes (German)