Once In A Lifetime Tours!

Jamie and Lucy Telfer
Tue 17 Aug 2010 21:35
16:32.052S 151:45.033W
Our great friends the Tennants arrive in Tahiti.  We have been planning this trip with them for years,
so there was a lot of excitement on Bamboozle when they finally arrived.
Our 13 year old twin god-daughters, Tabitha and Liberty.  They were great crew members and really
got stuck into life on board. 
Whilst in Moorea, we organised a "meet and greet" with one of the dolphins at the Moorea Dolphin Centre. 
Despite the cheesy picture, it was a fantastic set up, and an amazing opportunity to learn more about these
wonderful mammals.  They live right next door to the ocean and could easily jump out (a la Free Willy) if they
wanted but clearly they enjoy life living inside a 5 star hotel!
As a well deserved treat, Mark and Genevieve decided to spend a couple of days at the Four Seasons in
Bora Bora while we looked after the girls.  Having told the hotel where we were anchored, they sent over
their amazingly luxurious launch to pick up their VIP guests.  M & G were very quick to settle into this
unaccustomed luxury after living aboard the slightly less opulent Bamboozle...... we were not sure they
would ever want to come back.
Mark and Genevieve very kindly invited us for lunch at their hotel and here we are arriving with the girls
looking slightly less salty than usual.
We didn't give them much time to relax and Mark and I found some fantastic hikes.  Here I am on top of Mt Pahia 
on Bora Bora, it turned out to be more of a climb than a walk.  The two old men proved they still had it in them and
it wasn't a bad opportunity to work off some of the excess.
The 360 degree views of the reef made the effort well worth while.
The activities continued with the whole team cycling around the island, before retiring to a excellent
long lunch to celebrate our achievement.
Lucy, Tabitha and I strolling back a long a beautiful palm fringed road with Bamboozle
anchored in the background.
Some of the stingrays on the reef have become so accustomed to being fed by visitors, that it is possible to
stand in the water with them and give them slivers of fish.  They may look quite tame but it is actually
quite scary at first as they swoop and shove around you to get to the food.
This shows what was going on around our feet!  There were also some black tip reef sharks circling us
at this point attracted by the smell of the tuna we were feeding the stingrays.  The small reef sharks are more
scarred of us than we are of them, but it adds a certain excitement to the whole experience.
Lucy dancing again, she can now even do it with her eyes closed! 
Tabitha and Liberty joined the two lead male dancers for the evening's finale (I wonder why they selected them?!). 
Introducing the girls to scuba.  The girls loved it and subsequently did a fantastic job cleaning
Bamboozle's bottom. 
Mexican night on Bamboozle, Mexican Dominoes with Sundowners..... Fajitas for dinner........
and of course a fancy dress competition. 
Another quiet night in the South Pacific on Bamboozle!