All systems go!

Jamie and Lucy Telfer
Thu 30 Mar 2006 14:27
It is suddenly all action here. Yesterday morning we received a phone call to tell us that our date had moved again and that we should now going this afternoon, Thursday 30th. The only panic was that line the handlers we had organised (of which we need four) are not able to join us on our new date. Fortunately we have managed to recruit two guys from another cruising boat and a huge Panamanian called Bolivar which along with Lucy makes up our team. Lucy is now busy cooking huge piles of Lasagne and the oven is filled with roasting chickens so we have plenty of nosh to keep the crew happy on the trip.

The foredeck is now covered in rope as we need four 125 foot lines to keep us in the middle of the locks and I have been busy tying 12 big black tires onto the sides to act as extra fenders. Savoir Vivre is therefore not looking at her best but at least she has been through all this before and we hope still knows the way. With a bit of luck by Friday evening we should have the Pacific under our keel.

Now we just hope the Pilot turns up!