Back afloat!

Jamie and Lucy Telfer
Fri 1 May 2009 22:25
After a wonderful winter in the Alps we are back on the water.  Bamboozle seems in great condition after her slightly less exciting winter on the hard in Annapolis and after a quick touch up job on the anti-fouling (in my smart new JCB overalls, part of the new global advertising campaign by my brother Dick and his business Watling JCB!) we had her back afloat just a few days after our return to the US.  While I checked everything on board was in good working order Lucy headed off to make an individual attempt at kick starting US consumer spending while shopping for much of our year's food and drink.
                                Bamboozle's winter home                                                                 Touching up the paintwork
We have decided to head south this season which means we need to get moving as soon as we sensibly can as we want to be right down on the southern side of the Caribbean by the time the hurricane season gets into full swing in July.  After just five days of frantic checking, fixing, shopping and packing away involving lots of lists, we left the marina at Bert Jabin's and headed out to anchor in Clements Creek, off the home of our dear local friends Dick and Donna Littlefield.  With a favorable forecast the next morning (spring can't quite decide if it has arrived here yet) we waved an emotional farewell to the Littlefields and took off down the Chesapeake Bay heading towards the ocean again.  "The Bay" is however a very big bay and it took us three long day sails to get down the 140 nautical miles to Norfolk, Virginia and the entrance to the Chesapeake.  
Many of the smaller yachts travelling south towards the Caribbean head down the intra-coastal waterway to Florida but our mast is a bit too tall for some of the bridges and our keel a little to deep for some of the channels so the best route for us to get south is actually to swing out across the Gulf Stream which flows strongly north-east along the coast.  This will take us right out into the Atlantic so we have decided to push just a little further and visit Bermuda about 650 miles out from here.  By doing this we will avoid trying to sail straight into several knots of current and hopefully pick up more favorable winds for some of the trip but first we need a decent forecast to set off with, so I am writing this while we sit in Hampton Roads, a small colonial town, just across the channel from the massive naval dockyards that dominate Norfolk.  We are hoping to clear customs and get away sometime early next week but now is when it pays not to be impatient and we will wait until the cold front due this weekend has moved away before we haul our anchor out of the sticky American mud for the last time.
                                Waving farewell to the Littlefields in Clements Creek, Annapolis.