Nk Hiva Landfall

08:54.931S 140:06.023W We arrived safely in the Marquesas at the island of Nuku Hiva after an unexpectedly swift trip from Galapagos which lasted just 16 days and 4 hours (thanks to the wind rather than any sudden improvement in our sailing ability). Polynesia came over the horizon looking just as stunning as we remembered and even checking in with the friendly Gendarmerie was a pleasure after the irritations and frustrations of Latin American customs, immigration and general bureaucracy. We spent a couple of days sleeping (a lot), washing (both our clothes and Bamboozle) and settling back into the rhythm of South Pacific life and since then have been exploring this fascinating island. Even the Tahitians seem to think of it as a long way away!
The hairy skipper on passage. I have to promise to remove this growth before we get to land.
Polynesia comes over the horizon
The view from above the Taiohae Bay in which we are anchored
Visiting one of the extraordinary old village sites. This rock was apparently used for excections. It seems they were quite keen on bashing people over the head and eating them right up until the start of the 20th century. They now seem quite friendly!