No problems only challenges

Wed 31 May 2023 20:38
42:51.585N 9:17.422W

Sailing is never without incident and a couple of days ago we managed to tear our brand new sail bag. Unfortunately this meant our main sail that had two reefs could not go either up nor down without risking fatally wounding the already injured sail bag, actually not a big problem at the time with the wind we were sailing in but it would need to come down at some point, so as soon as the conditions allowed we set about a temporary repair to the sail bag and dropped the mainsail. However during the repair process we discovered the green reefing line had completely chafed through its jacket in two places.

We will try and get a proper repair to the sail bag at the next port. still not really sure what do do with the green reefing line, ironically I had a spare on board but took it off before we left as we had too many spares!

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