Last Full Day at Sea ?

Sat 2 Dec 2023 16:59
We have sailed 6,918 nautical miles since leaving Poole and we have just 119 to go. The focus on board has obviously been on our arrival time in to St George’s. At sunrise this morning we estimated at current speed we would arrive at our waypoint south of Grenada in the early hours of the morning so we took the decision not to raise the spinnaker and try to slow down. Calculations suggested that to arrive at our waypoint at sunrise we needed to sail at 5.88 knots. Not as easy as you might think, we already had two reefs in the main so we tried furling in the jib, but still 6+, even with no jib we were still too fast, so we reefed the mainsail, of course three hours later we were shaking it out again. Anyway we are now recalculating the required speed every hour and adjusting the sails accordingly and are confident we can hit our target on time.

I feel I should now point out that my original ship’s watch schedule, created back in October, ends at 09:00 on day 17 (3rd December) about the time we will reach the Marina at St George’s ! Just saying.

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Someone asked me what flying fish look like, so here is a picture. Apparently there are about 70 different species of flying fish!

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We are now so close to Grenada and I’m very excited to get there and have a beer or two. However there is a part of me that would happily carry on, I simply love it out here! I therefore asked the crew if they were glad it was nearly over or would they be happy to carry on? Answers ranged from, “Yes that’s enough for me” to “No, can we do the Pacific” the others all had mixed emotions, happy to be going ashore but would miss life on the ocean.

I also asked what they had missed, to which answers included; My bed, my horse, my dogs, my friends and family, peace and quiet and “nothing but I will when I get off”.

Then, what are you looking forward to when it’s over, top answer was rum punch and beer (not necessarily in that order). Then a wide variety, including; getting home, my horse, my dogs, peace and quiet, not bumping in to things, walking in a straight line. No prizes for guessing which two said “Going out for dinner and not cooking or washing up”

On our last full day, after three days without a sniff, Fishy Dicky finally caught a fish for supper !!

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Another student passes out of filleting school !

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And finally…….I’m afraid it’s highly likely there may not be an blog tomorrow, as celebrations may prevent it, so I will leave you with a final thought from the bosun for now.

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