Squalls Rum and repairs.

Mon 27 Nov 2023 15:01
12:10.081N 47:13.412W

Yesterday afternoon we had to drop the spinnaker early as we were in the path of a a Squall. After it passed we switched to white sails and were ready to watch the sun go down. At which point the Bosun suggested a little tot to celebrate the half way point. We prepared the tots, blew the “carry on” on the bosuns whistle, and proceeded to the flybridge to thank the crew and toast the good ship Moose !


There are good ships
And there are wood ships
And ships that sail the sea
But the best ships are friendships
And may that always be !!


It was a beautiful moonlit night last night even if we did have to watch for squalls all night.


We saw about five squalls, one of which came quite close but wasn’t too powerful, only raising the TWS by 6 or 7 knots.


Our first squall showing clearly on the radar, this one missed us. They come roughly from windward so in our case you have to keep a lookout behind.

Some may remember the green reefing line chafing during our Biscay crossing. Well it happened again, so spent a couple of our removing, fixing and replacing again.


This morning’s spinnaker hoist revealed one of the earlier repairs had split open again, so another hour on the cockpit table was spent repairing the repair. At least I had some good helpers!

Oh and Fishy Dicky finally caught something to eat, a fabulous Mahi Mahi which the girl’s blackened again. So good !!
