"28:07.66N 15:25.65W"

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Sun 26 Sep 2010 10:42
Las Palmas
Gran Canaria
26th September 2010
I returned to the boat around 20.30 Monday 25th September, having had
shaft / problems? we left the boat ashore for 10 days at the end of our
last visit
Got some help from John Crouch to sort out anode/seacock/propeller
stripper/ Dynaplate checked what we could and re launched for
test sail
Unfortunately we had complete Gear failure and had to get towed to berth
N39 (a good but not our permanent berth)
Beastly job to remove Gear Box from Perkins M90 and had to fashion a thick
steel plate to drive out with wedges and had success on second day
I will bring it back on Monday ( 20 kilos of it )to service in
Southampton . Hopefully it can be otherwise a replacement takes eight weeks and
to late for the ARC would be already started
So NEXT WEEK determines the events later this year
Lots of other jobs done from a never ending list enhanced by ARC
If all goes well with refitting gear box and other engine
problems (heat exchanger gasket and seawater pipe joiners which all leak)
we will re berth on I Pontoon, fill up with fuel and get more
Esta lueago (need re spell)