Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Mon 22 Nov 2010 09:55
26:33.45N 16:01.55W
Wind N/E 10 to 15knts
Weather good
Managed to survived first night at sea -which is always the worst -whilst
getting used to watch system and very strange sleep patterns
Any how other than my lack of sleep Debs /Nick and “Fred”-(Federico) all
had a good night
Making good progress now after a slow start and have our headsail poled out
and making 6 to 6.5 knots in lightish wind
Great spectacle at the ARC start with around 250 boats all jostling for
position and we got off well but lost out to those with spinnakers who literally
sailed past
Got some thing back a little later when we set up our current rig but not
too well placed at this point .We should improve our position when we get into
proper trade winds in a few days or so
Crew all pretty happy with each other and a very nice helpful attitude
Fred is fitting in well and on Nicks watch – he seems a really decent sort
so we were most fortunate to find him in Las Palmas. – it is always risky
, but we did well.
Having the extra help on watches makes it really simple to organise
and gives all much more sleep and rest
Debs is very relaxed and that is probably due to easy start and good crew
around her the fact that she saw the first Dolphins of the trip
Nick has just started fishing- so maybe Tuna or Marlin tonight
Anyway are thought are with you all we will keep you posted