"28:55N 13:42W"

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Wed 22 Jul 2009 07:40
----- Original Message -----
From: guy tolson
To: guy tolson
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 7:12 PM
Subject: "28:55N 13:42W" Tuesday 21st July 17.00 BST
Winds- couldn't care a less
Weather - good enough to get a sun tan
State of Crew- Guess?
Arrived 01.00 am this morning - easy 24hr entrance-
no probs
Bracing beam sail to finish off last 40nm at
night - 30 knots of wind but no sea - power house pleasure cruise!-
now if I could just find that blinking green light (FL3 14S) on the
After solid uninterrupted comatosed sleep/
and formalities with
Pepe Calero at the Capitanarie- allocated berth this morning for Avalon for
next 90 days
Puerto Calero Is a fabulous marina on the East side of Lanzarote - very
protected from the N/E Trades* (see Note)
Brainchild of Pepe the marina offers
just about the lot you could need, in a Quiet/safe environment ,
obviously the choice place to store a boat
in the Canaries
Our 2nd Visit here after 10 years to date on
the Millennium (remember that?) trip, our crossing to the Caribbean in
Just as good here now - perhaps a few more
Brits around ,as Lanzarote does indeed attract them
enjoying themselves at the Bulldog bar -
Okay thanks for the ride with Lady of
Avalon-and crew- Debs / John / Rhett / Guy and all those listening
Hope I hav,nt bored you - personally I,vet never
enjoyed more the chance of communicating with family and friends and
those associated with crew and their friends and family- with a project three
years in the making- with initially an, all be it
a small ocean crossing, sort of a Crossroads soap on the sea/or rather an Acorn
Antiques with my double vision and its dramas/ out of sink scenery in an gale -
not to forget the crossed lines and ropes/and complete misunderstanding of
starring roles-
I think we have done a splendid Job and I am really
grateful for all the skills displayed by each of the crew who participated
from cooking moral boosting meals to unburdening the boat of potentially
situations at blink of an eye/ and taking the
fury of the high seas with absolute regard to the safety of both crew and
vessel- I thank them all- We are here to learn and never learn more than when
I,me on a boat out there!
Signing out now , until November for 2nd
Special thanks to Maxine , Denise for letting
those boys out of sight - rest assured the
deck scrubbers were as non existent as the fish- almost!
at least John caught a net
And a big kiss to Debsie for that" walk
on the wildside"-
All Well
* For those who sail I must qualify the winds were
N/W on Friday night to create the wind over tide situation - but the prevailing
N/E winds are known as the Portuguese N/E trades (and can fluctuate either
side of N)