Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Fri 10 Dec 2010 11:34
13:47.16N 50:11.15W
09/12 /10
Wind ENE 22 knots
Weather Good
Heading 285 deg
Speed 7 to 8 knots
Days run 187 NM
Distance to go 625 NM
Making great way these last 3 days
Wonderful news today from my son Philip who informed me of the birth
of his second Daughter - Scarlett Lilly born at 14.32 today the 9th
December – 6 lb. 3ounces. Mother and child are both well! All are very elated
, as are we!
I can,t cap that so join me in a toast to her birth – to Scarlett Lilly the
beautiful girl.
and love and congratulations from all of us aboard Lady of Avalon
Guy Debs Nick and Fred
Many happy returns
Paul |