Genny working

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Mon 20 Jul 2009 14:29
Mon-20thJuly 15.13 BST
Thanks some good advice from Contact Marine -Chris
-in the Uk
and some sterling work and ideas from
managed to clear blocked fuel lines traced
back to the tank, and change primary filters
and now pleased to let you Know that Generator is
up to speed now and charging Batteries and running water maker
So thanks to them
nb-Lost some hrs today doing work on rolly seas -
head in engine compartment and sucking pipes with diesel in them(at least Rhett
did) - Not recommended
No real wind today and none
forecast so motoring at 1800 revs - 7.5 knots cruising speed , to our
Destination 70 NM away- eta now early hrs of
Tuesday morning
All well