Light Winds Today and Squally Nights - Day 21 & 22

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Sun 12 Dec 2010 12:57
14:27.53N 55:41.74W
Wind ESE 8 knots
Weather Hot
Heading 289Deg
Speed 6 Knots
Days Run 146 nm
Distance to go 304 nm
Light winds defies forecast- What should have been around 15 to 20
knots with gusts of 26 has turned out to be only 4 to 10 knots and from the
wrong Direction to sail in
We could manage just about 2.5 knots but don’t fancy spending the next 4 to
5 Days out here.
Night has seen the 26 knots with rainy squalls ,they come out of nowhere
and any attempt to sail is for just 20 min then drop off to virtually
nothing. So you have all the effort to get the sails up for very little result
and also get very wet doing it. A bit frustrating and not to mention a touch
dangerous in pitch black heeled over! Interesting that this strength of wind is
of little concern when you already have sails up , its just a case of trimming
them to strength and direction- but from zero to 26 knots as you snooze in the
little hrs. of the morning in the cockpit, is certainly a very rude
So we have had to resort to the engine again, which is very
disappointing but we now feel rather pragmatic about it and Deborah is
most concerned about missing flights as needs to get back to work – poor girl –
having had to change her flight once already to the 19th (taking the only
available flight –mine!) and i now have the next available on the 22nd. Nick’s
hasn't changed-still on the 19th.
We all just want to get to St Lucia now, and get that Rum Punch!
Anyway I hope something will change tomorrow , being the eternal optimistic
for a good days sailing. (unfortunately the forecast doesn't share any of
After a very hot and sticky day up and down the boat trying every type of
sail plan , we had the best showers you can imagine followed by a spicy chicken
dish prepared by Debs washed down with a glass of Vino Verde- ice cold , so
can,t be too bad then!
Hope all you folks are well back in UK
Missing you all
Guy Debs & Crew