From the Fridge- Day 13

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Fri 3 Dec 2010 17:46
13:29.10N 34:00.42W
Wind SSE 12 knots
Weather –Hot!
Heading- Due West
Speed 7 knots – Beam reaching
Things picking up again today as veering winds allow us to speed up.
Presently having an absolutely glorious sail in great weather. We still have
about 2 or 3 days of often very light wind left before final leg to St Lucia and
somewhat more guaranteed stronger conditions. ARC control has had to move dates
for arrival celebrations as nobody would be there in time, owing to light
winds.What about moving Christmas then?
Today we’ve tried lots of sail configurations with some success.Also we’ve
been cleaning the rubbish –what? Set up a new lure on our fishing line as last
one was nabbed. Cooked creative lunches – I mean its the same ingredients just
cooked another way creatively. Read lots , spoken to other arc boats on the
radio this time trying to introduce ourselves to each other better, so that when
we hit those bars in Rodney Bay we know who to cadge a drink from. Walked- i
mean staggered around the boat holding an Iridium phone trying for the best
signal to send email- Ever since we turned west our Mizzen mast has caused a
weak the signal to the mounted antenna.
So i say oh for the good old days of low technology when you had to
walk - i mean stagger round the boat with a sextant trying to get a
sun sight -not so different then ,but at least you didn't really have a clue
where you were- like real sailors of old ,and all that weather information you
get now, it was just easily read of the barometer before , and of course you had
no need to worry about fresh food going bad- because you had none -without
fridges, or beers being to cold on hot days – Ahh , oh well bottoms up to
technology then!
Signing off now
the sun has past the yard arm
and its time for that cool cool bottle
Guy and Crew of
Avalon |