las Palmas - On the hard 28:07.66N 15:25.65W

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Tue 21 Sep 2010 16:50
Lady of Avalon
Varadero- Muelle Deportivo Las Palmas
Ashore at boatyard for Shaft /Propellor Rope Stripper repairs as well as Seacock /Anode and Dynaplate modifications and hoping to be in water again later this week 
Whilst making our way to Las Palmas 2 weeks ago from Mogan (8 hours motor sailing) and thro the acceleration zones. We had  33knots on the nose and heavy seas and managed to develope a problem with the bearings on the rope stripper (basically i hadnt noticed they had worn on the last lift out) so we had an awful loud grinding noise as the jaws started to engage each other which fortunately stopped at low revs and obviously slowed us down - at this time of course we had little idea what was casing the noise and found it quite disconcerting to say the least 
Any way we made it to Las Palmas and shortly lifted the boat up  to establish the cause and sort it out. We took advantage to do other things which i had considered doing and hauling out anyway
Testing out new Iridium connection/ air time so hope this gets thru
Next trip to include Deborah in October for provisioning non fresh foods for ARC