Rodney Bay

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Thu 16 Dec 2010 11:53
Greetings from Rodney Bay
So eventually we made it, but no prizes for us in the “race”, we were the
114th boat to come in,but our overall final position in the rally was 66th (out
of 250 boats or so- not bad! )and then 8th in class( similar overall size), this
difference is due to ratings and motoring penalties, which meant that our
position improved due to the ratings (i.e. larger boats with more sails etc. get
penalised more), and the motoring penalties (hrs. motored added to the final
time) were not so bad as we thought. It took us 22 days 10 hrs. 24 min 47
sec.arriving on the 13th at 7.24pm.That's 2700 NM and we actually sailed more
than 3000 NM . Presently on Thursday evening 16th,
there are still about 60 to 70 boats still to arrive, which just goes to show
how slow this years ARC has been due to the light winds( one of the slowest in
the ARC history since 1986). Penalties for motoring have now be added to the
time and looking down the list of boats already arrived quite a few put a
considerable amount of engine hrs. in, we put 90 in. The cut off date is the
18th, any boats arriving after that date will be met and welcomed just not
included in the “race” results.
Anyway other than light and indifferent winds it has been a fantastic
journey of adventure, with everybody getting on very well and most helpful to
each other. We were fortunate to find and take on board Federico who has been
brilliant and good company to us all -especially to Nick who found another
“Techie” to chat to on watch, and to Debs who he would sing Opera to, and for me
he did whatever was asked of him around the boat in an absolute efficient
manner, quite an achievement considering the language difference and full marks
for knowing what “let it off” or “come up” meant ,or “no not that one – the
yellow flecked one!” at three in the morning in the pitch black ! .And
that reminds me of another Italian chap we had on board sailing with us ,who
once said to me “ Guy it does not matter how loud you say it I still do not know
what a “cleat” is “ So we were very lucky to get some one so
versatile and helpful as crew.
My thanks to Nick who worked so hard in Las Palmas helping me get the boat
ready and has kept an eye on rigging /instruments and generally ensuring that
the Systems keep running
– Of course Deborah who kept us going with tremendous food and her good
Spirit on board (although not necessarily on her watch at 4 am I hasten to
add ) she had a pretty good Atlantic crossing overall , probably due to the
light winds,- I didn't even hear the words “put a reef in” for the last third of
the journey. Or it could have been that there was no mention of Hurricanes
blowing this time , as there was the last time we did this crossing in 1999 , as
i remember it Hurricane Lenny was blowing 2000 miles away in the Caribbean and
we were just of Africa at the time-and Debs got very anxious about it as
it magnified in size and proximity to us - you have to realize that the Atlantic
passage chart is only 2 ft. across and it did look rather close to her. As I've
always said she is by far the bravest one on board.
Me -well someone else had better tell you that , but i did shout less,
except when the cordial drink i had my eye on was emptied before i had
drunk any. There was also a time when the boat was heeling badly in
strong headwinds and all the fridge contents fell out when i opened the fridge
door to get some milk. It was a desperate act to try to pack them back
in-with one hand in between lulls in the wind only for them all to fly out again
with the next lurch of the boat.. The galley – did turn blue with my
shouts and dare i say it –screams.. and I did kick a few tins around
the galley – much to the amusement of Fred who stood behind me and who
must have been wondering if he had made the right choice of boat to crew
Anyway its back to Rum punch as i,m wasting good R & R time and the
next party is just about to begin!
Signing out for now and thanks for following
Until the next time!!!