Lady of Avalon

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Sun 28 Jun 2009 21:36
S/Y Lady of Avalon
Oyster 46 HP
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Planned departure date - Thurs 2nd July
Heading Canaries - Eta - 20th/21!st
Crew to Cascais- John Bonsor
Crew to Lanzarote- Rhett Butler
Sunday 28th
3 days to go
After 3 years of refitting our 1985 Ketch we are
finally ready to go -well nearly!
Other than a few unfinished small jobs and a minor
problem with my left eye like double vision
/ fortunately remedied with the aid of a patch ( just missing the parrot) we are
setting off this week
Hoping to sail over to France for landfall before
crossing Biscay but will see what the winds bring, maybe we will head straight
out from Falmouth
Weather looks okay but not so much wind this
Tested the refurb /serviced watermaker today
and produced 70lts of drinkable Channel water- tasted okay, must
be working well to clean up that
Anyway keep you posted on this site