"30:10.45N 12:27.20W"
Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Mon 20 Jul 2009 10:07
Monday 20th July 09.30 BST
Position 95NM North of LANZAROTE- Puerto
Winds N 4
Weather good
Odd day yesterday as shallow lows off MOROCCO gave
us variable winds with little force in them
Hence the 125NM covered yesterday
But the good news is that we should arrive late
(around 11 or 12 midnight) at Puerto Calero
Both now recovered from our first nights sail , the
real problem was the very agitated sea due to the GIBRALTAR straights
currents which tend to set east on top and west underneath those, coming from
the Med -except when in bad conditions like ours the west going current
gets to the top and wind over tide conditions prevail if the stronger than usual
N/E trades winds kick in
We have photographic evidence of a catch (a small
squid) - washed up on the deck - unfortunately not with the line , and
undecided whether to cook it (as a prestarter ) or bait it on Rhett's
line (once again thank goodness for Deborah's prepared food)
Must remember to change the courtesy flag from
Portuguese to Spanish - don,t want to go upsetting the locals
No luck with the genny yet and now the engine
alternator has decided to only charge at very low volts - so now were on
the tred wheel to get charge in the batteries - which sort of sums up
the uphill battle that sailing,s all about
All Well