"36:29.74N 8:55.74W

Lady of Avalon
Guy & Deborah Tolson
Fri 17 Jul 2009 14:04
Friday 17th July 15.00 BST
Heading LANZAROTE course 210Mag
ETA 3days
Winds NNW F6 to 7 with gusts
Swell 2 to 3 mts on our starboard quarter
Weather good , sailing boisterous
Winds much stronger than Forecast 4/5
although I do expect winds to veer NNE and
generally be more as forecast over next few days F4/5
Rhett and I are doing fine ,sailing Avalon with all
reefs in and still doing 8 to 9 knots
I,ve just had a request from the helmsman for
more Biltong and brew(you decide) so things not too bad
This is my third attempt at this blog as the two
previous ones went down the delete pan by accident(need that like a hole in the
head right now), but got to get the mail out!
All well