Kantara Completes Atlantic Odyssey 36:17N 5:16W

Kantara Atlantic Odyssey
Andy Hemens
Sat 16 Jun 2012 08:57
The crew from Antigua to Sotogrande, Malcolm, Ian, Claire and Joe have been absolutely awesome and made this a very enjoyable and rewarding leg and I am sure we might all look back at the storm off Horte with a smile at some point. We all were quite taken by the Azores and particularly enjoyed the hard core yachtie atmosphere in Horte.
The whole Atlantic Odyssey has been a fantastic experience and I will have many special memories of the whole experience. I have also fulfilled a near life time ambition to skipper a yacht across the Atlantic and still find it hard to believe that we did it.
Many many thanks to all the crew that have participated in the adventure, my dad for his help in preparing the boat and for inspiring me to do it, the incredible support and encouragement we have had from friends and support crew and massive thanks to my family who have been so supportive, encouraging and understanding and I cannot wait to get home and see them.
Finally, special thanks to Kantara who has been a very good boat and has has stood up very well to a lot of hard sailing over the past 9 months
Its been great to get back out to sea again and feel the unique experience of being in the middle of a huge ocean watching the stars and the sunrise, sort of puts lots of things into perspective. I really enjoyed the company of Claire and Malcolm and of course our excellent skipper Andy. Thanks to Andy for letting me share ( most ) of his Atlantic odyssey it has been a great adventure! Thanks to my family for putting up with my long absences from home. I promise to make the early morning tea and empty the dishwasher for the next six months at least . Just off to the airport now and back to normality . blogging off now . Joe
It's been amazing! What a great experience - I have learnt a lot (eg avoid Force 11 gales!) and realise how much more I have to learn - thanks to all my crewmates and especially Andy: a first rate skipper.
So an experience to remember for a lifetime...
Special thanks to Rhona and my family for putting up with my absence for more than 5 weeks - I am short of brownie points!!