The Dead Sea 36:58N 17:40W

Kantara Atlantic Odyssey
Andy Hemens
Tue 12 Jun 2012 07:54
Well sadly we have to report that stories of man
destroying the oceans and wildlife seem to be supported by our findings so far
on this leg. Apart from the first day we have not seen any dolphins,only a few
birds and given Joe's extreme confidence in his fishing skills, there cannot be
any fish in the sea either.
We have had a very good 36 hours of sailing with a
steady 15- 25 knot north westerly driving us along bang on the rhum line to
Tarifa at 7-8 knots. Furthermore yesterday's weather forecast was predicting
more of the same for the rest of the trip, we'll see. We are trying to avoid
forecasting an arrival time based on progress to date but would be reasonably
confident of getting in by Saturday lunch time.
Crew in good shape and straight back into pattern
of sailing and sleeping in three shifts per day and it has been flatter than the
start of the Antigua-Horta leg so eating pretty well.
Minor drama in the night when the mainsheet managed
to unthread itself in an attempted reef but all resolved with minimal