Swimming in water over 2 miles deep

Kantara Atlantic Odyssey
Andy Hemens
Wed 7 Dec 2011 11:56
----- Original Message -----
From: Kantara
Cc: kantara Arc blog
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 8:08 PM
Subject: Swmming in water over 2 miles deep Today has been very relaxed , The wind disappeared
about 6pm last night and so we were under engine from then until about 2pm today
. Although the engine is noisy the constant hum is very soporific and makes a
pleasant change from the banging and clattering of shackles and sails. We all
slept well I was woken at 4AM instead of my normal 2AM which was nice! The crew
spent all morning laying around on deck reading and listening to music , the sea
was dead flat and a thin layer of cloud kept the sun to a pleasant glow instead
of its normal furnace . We are now sailing along at 6 knots in a light
breeze. Tomorrow sometime after 3pm we will be in Rodney Bay St Lucia. Al the
talk is now of hot showers and cold beers, terra firma and comfy still quite
beds . We stopped the boat and went for a swim at lunchtime the water was about
24 degrees and according to the chart was 4000m deep ( about 2 and a half miles
) . We had great fun diving off the boat and swimming along beside her . There
were some barnacles attached to the rear below the water line which must have
hitched a ride with us. So were all well slept and refreshed and Kantara has had
her bottom scrubbed ! The adventure nears its end and we are all sad its nearly
over but glad to be getting back to some form of normality, if you can call
hanging about eating drinking and having fun on a Caribbean island normal
Last Blog tomorrow , Bye for now
Oh yes and a load of Dolphins swam around the boat