We've arrived at last

Kantara Atlantic Odyssey
Andy Hemens
Thu 20 Oct 2011 07:58
Well here we are in lovely Las Palmas. We had a bit
of a wild night. The wind speed hit 30 Knots with 4m swell. The boat was
heeled over and at one stage hit 10 knots of boat speed with rain as well !
so it was a challenge . There was a mix of excitment and sadness on the
boat as our adnenture was commng to an end. Kantara did very well and she got us
here safe and sound. We got sight of Gran canaria at 6AM this morning and
arrived at the harbour at 10AM. We all went and had a long hot shower and a
shave and all now feel human again . Andy arrives tonight so we are off for a
nice meal . Mandy Pete and Domonic fly home tommorow , i'm off on friday and
Andy Suzy, Ella and Beky are here for the week. It has been a great trip and
confirms the old adage that its better to travel than to arrive .
Signing off from the prequil to the main event
Joe, Pete, Domonic, Mike and Mandy