here we go again ! 37:27N 21:11W

Kantara Atlantic Odyssey
Andy Hemens
Mon 11 Jun 2012 07:53
Well I'm back on board and needless to say
everything is now becoming more organised and settled. I don't know what they
were doing without me ? all those storms, broaches and beating into 40 knots of
wind, what was all that about ? Anyway all sorted now, flat seas, 25knots of
North easterly wind blowing us gently over the waves at 8 knots, sorted.
We left Sao Miguel in the Azores following a last
meal of grilled tuna chips and salad ,perfect. We had a nice cup of tea and a
sit down yesterday afternoon with Becca's lovely chocolate chip cookies.( Thanks
Becca !) I suspect that there is more chocolate hidden on board somewhere
but haven't managed to find it yet. Tying to sort the fishing out but I think
we're going too fast ! ( that's today's excuse anyway ) I think the
only chance we've got is if we come across the Usain Bolt of the Tuna world .
We are all settling into life at sea, the watches
are two hours on your own which is very civilized .We are all up and about
during the day reading chatting and listening to music, apart from Andy who is
applying filler to various dents and scratches on Kantara . Nice sunny day
yesterday , sun is up now and it looks like another scorcher. Hope weather has
cheered up in UK. Bye for now . Joe