more like the brochure 29:59N 53:49W

Kantara Atlantic Odyssey
Andy Hemens
Mon 21 May 2012 16:23
Today is more like the brochure Andy sent
me. All those nasty winds and rough seas have been replaced by light winds
and nearly smooth seas. Not good obviously for our schedule, but better for sun
bathing and drying out. Also means it is easier to get about below and catch up
on tea drinking and food consumption.
Due to the first few days of inclement weather a
lot of our gear is quite salty and moist and we have been relying on baby wipes,
so we are hoping to have our first showers later today.
We had a good meal last night washed down with a
glass of red so things are definitely starting to improve (yes I know I said we
were going to have a dry boat but then we came to our senses.) Nobody has baked
anything yet (Joe we miss you) and I have not seen another UFO so normality is
slowly being restored.
We are about 580 Nm from Bermuda and 1334Nm from
The Azores, having covered over 1000Nm already. Kantara is going well and is
exceptional in light airs so here's hoping the wind does not die down too much.
Everyone is well and we should all have a chance to
catch up on our sleep today. Surprisingly we have yet to see any
Good afternoon, good evening and good
Regards from Ian and