One week at Sea

Kantara Atlantic Odyssey
Andy Hemens
Sun 27 Nov 2011 16:32
We've been out here in the big blue sea now for one
week . Haven't seen another boat for two days !. Its been nice and sunny for the
past few days and we are all starting to resemble old sea dogs with beards and
tans. We caught a big fish today but it got off . We saw it jump and it looked
like a 2ft Tuna. Its getting towards sunset now so we are settling down for
dinner and the night watch. The stars at night are incredible , I am slowly
learning all the constellations with the use of Mikes clever I phone app
and a Noddys guide to the stars. We can see all the major planets bar Mars.
Jupiter is the brightest followed by Venus. We have been taking fixes
at dust and using them to locate our position, very interesting but hard on
the old grey matter. Kantara is really going well. We are now 1746 nm from St
Lucia now and planning what to have for the halfway party in a couple of days
time . I think we might even break into the champagne and eat some of the
chocolate !
Bye for Now
P.S can someone e mail me and let me know how
Arsenal got on ?