31st August N44 21.21.4 W007 21.6

Mariposa Blog
Robert Newman
Thu 2 Sep 2010 07:33
...the wind changed, veered and strengthened through the night which is per the forecast BUT it is quite a bit stronger than expected so we now have a steady force 8 (33-40 knots Gale on the Beaufort scale) and 5 metre swell. As the wind built we reduced sails to a handkerchief of gib and the same of main and we're still doing 7.5 knots. Mariposa seems quite comfortable with it (particularly when I am below!). On deck we are helming and trying to avoid taking a wave on the beam... which does happen from time to time and causes the yacht to roll 30 to 40 degrees sideways Still making good progress 290 miles into the passage and barometer now steady so we hope this as bad as it gets and at least the waves are going along the continental shelf so that should mean conditions improve as we cross.