We're Here!!

Beoga's Madventure
Henry and Marina Lupton
Wed 9 Dec 2009 19:15
Arrived last night aroun 9ish after a close
encounter with a bunch of squalls while on collision with a 900foot
A little confusion with radio contacts with finish
but we managed to connect eventually and let them know we were coming. 3 boats
within half hour in front and more sqwaking their arrival behind us. Coming in a
steady flow over the next few days.
Photographer was out in the dark in a tiny rib so
we should get some pics of our deeply reefed main going into the wind. The only
bit if upwind sailing in 16 days! It lasted 10 minutes.
Rained as we approached the pontoon where they met
us with rum, basket of fruit and magnum of heineken and some other stuff. We
went up for a few more rums once tied up. THen we were hungry so we had to eat
at midnight. I cant believe I was still awake at 2am. Dermot was asleep standing
up at one stage- very impressive, I'll have to practice that one.
Lara went into her usual party mode but she
actually slept eventually.
Met up with crew from A Lady from Cork were there
too and we heard all they war stories. Tough stuff like washing machine
difficulties .......
Every boat has a damage story. Poles, sails,
equipment failing on folk at various stage. All felt brunt of mother nature but
all enjoyed it none the less.
Rodney Bay is where we are at now. Its beautiful.
Lush hills with stunning houses tastefully positioned.
All are enjoying showering and using the loo
without having to hang on and measure water usage.
Chill out day here. We did a purge of the boat and
dumped all the rubbish and left our washing with two lads who arrived on a
little boat. One in a pirates hat the other in a Scottish baneen type thing.
Hopefully we will get it back. boat is scrubbed.
Lots of paperwork this morning. Customs,
immigration, marina all needing forms and stuff. I used new web clearance
thing but of course computers were down.
So we are now official and starting to think about
things to do over the coming weeks.
Battery failing so will leave it at
Hope ye are all well.