Sailing with Britican and Why Knot
Mike West
Fri 24 Jul 2015 10:49
39:24.724N 020:14.034E
Today when we where all awake Daddy jumped into the dingy and he untied one
of our lines – he then untied Britican and Why Knot. When we where all untied we
motored out of the bay – Simon went into wind to put his sails up. When Britican
had their sails up Simon said over the radio “Get those big white flappy things
up.” Daddy was untangling ropes whilst Simon said this so I picked the radio up
and I began to speak – I said “Daddy is about to put the sails up – he has got
his ring caught though.” Simon then said “Ok.” The wind wasn’t fast so we where
only doing a few knots we kept on putting the sails up and taking them down
because the wind was all over the place. Over the radio we heard that Britican
where water bombing Why Knot – both Siennas where on Why Knot and Tana was on
Britican. Suddenly we heard a man swear over the radio he was swearing because
he had radioed his friend and his friend wasn’t replying it turned out that both
men had been yelling at each other on different channels so they couldn’t hear
each other.
When we arrived and when we had anchored Why Knot dropped Sienna and Sienna
of on Britican whilst Garf and Clare would try to find a good rat trap. When we
had all had lunch we went to the water slides. Simon splashed the lifeguard and
the lifeguard ended up being drenched. In the pool Tana, big Sienna and I all
stood on Garf, Simon and Clare’s shoulders we made a giant tower – we then dived
of Simon, Garf and Daddy’s shoulders. When it was time to go Harry, Catrin,
little Sienna, Tana,Simon, Mummy and Daddy all went into town whilst I stayed
with big Sienna we watched people go down the fast slides one person made a
giant splash bigger than Simon’s!
When we got back to Why Knot we had a slice of cake and we jumped of the
front, when we had done that we Sienna and I rowed to Zulu and we slid down the
hatches, when I had some dry clothes on Sienna and I radioed why Knot to ask
them if they needed anything. When we got back we played on the front
trampolines and we ate our dinner at the front.
After dinner Sienna gave me a back massage it was the best massage I have
ever had – she gave me an ink and stick on Tattoo as well. Last year she made
1,000£ doing massages! When we got back home we went strait to bed because it
was eleven o’clock.
Written by Katie