Going into the mountains
Mike West
Thu 18 Jun 2015 12:55
At half past nine we all walked to the small Europecar building, Daddy
filled in some forms and we then all climbed into a small five seated Italian
car. The car had a few scratches but no dents, we soon started thee car and we
began to drive round the busy city. We where heading to the Vine yards, Mummy
and Daddy would be tasting wine!
We drove along the motorway and we got lost, Mummy soon realised the vine
yard she had booked us into was seven hours away! We didn’t want to drive that
far. Instead we decided to go up into the country mountains, where there are
wild wolves, deer, cows and angry pigs!
When we where up in the mountains it began to get cold and damp it was
raining. We turned our air conditioning off and we looked out of the windows. We
drove through two small lonely villages. We then stopped at a cafe where we
brought some drinks and snacks which we ate out side even though it was raining!
We then climbed back into the warm car and we then drove through the wolf forest
very slowly, I looked out of Catrin’s small window and I saw a sign which had a
picture of an angry pig on it! So now we where looking out for deer, wolves and
angry pigs!!!
As we drove down back to the city, I saw a few Lizards, some cows and a lot
of big brown pinecones. As we got closer to the city Catrin began to say that
she was hungry, we then stopped at a McDonalds. Catrin and I had these delicious
happy meals called Mctoasteis! They don’t do them in England, but they should do
as they are so good (Mctoasties are toast sandwiches with cheese and ham inside
them.). After our meal Harry, Catrin and I we all in a small indoor playground.
After that we all climbed back into the car and we drove to the shopping centre.
When we arrived at the shopping centre we browsed the shoe shop looking for new
sandals for me, but we couldn’t find any my size. We then went to a massive
supermarket and we stocked up with food to go in the fridge, under the the floor
and in the freezer.
Once we where stocked up we drove back to the marina where we unloaded the
shopping, when we at the gate Daddy realised he hadn’t got the code. I had to
slip round the gate and get the the code, but before I could get the code a man
came and he let us in. He was of a bid Hanse, which he was in the middle of
polishing. After we had unpacked the shopping we stayed inside and we
Written by Katie