Mint lounge cafe- San Antonio- Ibiza

Mike West
Wed 1 Apr 2015 08:35
After the supermarket we went back to the boat and packed everything away and had lunch. We decided to find a playground which was a really big one past the giant Egg.
Once we had finished playing we decided to walk around the coast path find a beach. We walked around the corner of San Antonio and found lots of famous cafe's where people watch the sunset and listen to chill out music. Cafe del Mar was still shut for the season and so was Cafe Mambo. The Mint Lounge was the only one that was open so Dad bought us all a drink and sat and watched the sunset. Katie split here drink all over her and Catrin blew into hers and got covered in orange juice.
Once we had finished our drinks we walked back to the boat and had tea.
Written by Harry